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Pawflection is a children's book introducing the Paw Crew at Dakota Wild Wings Hunting Lodge in Miller, SD. At DWW, our puppies run the place. Our goal is to bring you, the reader, many more heart-warming stories about the adventures of the Paw Crew and introduce many more of their furry and human friends and family.

Writing Journey
I have been a writer my whole life. I loved to read as a young child. My mother worked for our community newspaper and my dad was a natural story teller. I was active in the school newspaper and yearbook staff. I submitted articles to our local newspaper while in high school. I had a typewriter and I loved the sound of the "click click" of the keys and the grind of the roller when you slid it back. I look at writing as a unique way to love, cry, rage and fight. It gives us power. It allows us to get lost in our imagination or to get lost in the facts. You will find both within my site. If you find this site at all shareable, please feel free to do so.
A huge thanks to my Auntie Eileen for igniting my passion for writing again.
May 8, 2021
We are working on a compilation of stories and first account testimonies that will highlight the fight and struggle we had to win custody of our daughter, granddaughter, great grand-daughter, and niece. She is so loved. And our 2020 was magical. Author's Note: The picture you see here is on the afternoon of her being returned to us.
To continue with this story, please see the blog posts.

“A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity”
Franz Kafka